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The Sounds of Silence


If there is one thing we know about cash bail, it is this: Its opponents simply will not stop their march toward eliminating it. Scarily enough, these social class warriors may be cut from the same cloth as Confederate soldiers during the Civil War – thinking they were chosen by God to succeed. We know how well that worked out for them, right? Key happenings in the bail bonding frontier? Silent opposition in Colorado, stirrings in Maine, and co...


'Wrong Way' on large, painted red and white road sign with cloudy sky and palm trees in background

There are many interesting things going on in the cash bail industry, particularly from the standpoint of what kind of strategy the reform camp has decided to employ. They’re nothing if not persistent. One thing we can all agree on is pre-trial reform has morphed into something of a cottage industry as “experts” offer advice and marketing campaigns they’re promoting in hopes of finally killing cash bail as we know it. Including pushing zombie...


Hand throwing dice into air

As Americans, we’re naturally generous to a fault, letting our “better angels” fly to the fore when a minor percentage would rather turn away from someone in need. If that someone in need happens to be requesting help posting cash bail, our advice is to think twice because of the risks involved, as you’ll see below. Other topics to chew on include a nationwide discussion about the constitutionality of cash bail (go figure), and Colorado lawmake...


Illinois Voters Have Spoken

The controversy surrounding cash bail reform won't die down anytime soon. And here's why. The governor of Illinois just signed a bill into law that ends cash bail in that state, examples of domestic violence horror stories related to bail are too prevalent to ignore, and the President of the United States is working toward enacting a campaign pledge to end cash bail nationwide and stop criminalizing poverty.

The next few years should be very in...


Updated on September 22nd 2023

Brown, leather boxing gloves positioned on hard surface in fighting position

Mahogany gavel on rest beside legal books at Judge's bench in courtroom

Sit tight, readers - things are about to get real. Even with the state of the country, the idea of cash bail reform is like Michael Myers in the Halloween movie franchise – it just won’t die and is still grabbing headlines. Bills are brewing in Michigan to make changes to that state’s criminal justice system, lawmakers in California refuse to believe the defeat of Proposition 25 last year, and Utah res...


Animation of man in suit holding cash and yelling 'NO!' into his cell phone during cash bail reform negotiation

Things are definitely heating up on the cash bail front in Colorado. All throughout Jefferson County, Arapahoe County, Denver County, and greater Denver, bail bonding professionals are talking about what Democratic Governor Jared Polis has up his sleeve for the new legislative session.

Big news items to be aware of include a boost in homicides last year in Denver, perhaps driven by violent defendants being released due to Covid-19 preca...


Four hands of multiple ethnicities firmly gripping wrists of adjacent person in show of solidarity and teamwork

As a bail bondsman in Jefferson County, Arapahoe County, or Denver County, you belong to a small brotherhood of professionals in a unique industry. How do we find new clients? Normal marketing does not work the way it does for other businesses. The industry is in flux with the movement to end cash bail, and COVID-19 has further endangered our livelihoods. Regular marketing options like TV, radio, and print do not draw in enough clients to p...


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Recent Articles

Tuesday, October 22, 2024 Mike Tayler
Anytime you bail out a friend or loved one you’re taking a chance. If the accused heads for the hills after being released and is never heard from again you are going to lose and lose big. If you paid cash instead of using a bondsman that cash will be forfeited. If you posted a property bond the court may foreclose on your house and sell it to get the bail amount, and if you enlisted the help of a bail bonds agent they are going to come knockin...
Saturday, November 19, 2022
When a person has been arrested there’s a lot going through their mind and it can sometimes be difficult to take a step back, take a breath and make sound decisions. One mistake a lot of people who have been arrested in Denver County, Golden, and elsewhere in Colorado make is deciding to act as their own bail bond agent by paying their own bail. Certainly, if they have the means it’s entirely legal for them to do so, but just because you can...
Tuesday, October 22, 2024
Although those in favor of eliminating the centuries-old bail bonds system suffered a much deserved setback last year in the Colorado state senate, that hasn’t stopped them from trying to saddle taxpayers with their backward, short-sighted ideas. In fact, as you read this lobbyists are working the corridors of power in Denver trying to get legislators behind new efforts to eliminate cash bail. In its stead they propose using a deeply flawed compu...

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Tayler Made Bail Bonding is available 24 hours a day and 7 days a week.

(303) 623-0399
3595 South Teller Street
Suite 300A
Lakewood, CO 80235