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Cash Bail Opponents Regroup

White chess pawn facing black King and Queen pieces in background on opposite side of chess board

The voters have spoken. You would think legislators would take notice. But no, and we are not talking about the deadly, conspiracy-driven coup attempt in our nation’s capital. This is about the “No” vote against California’s Proposition 25, and how opponents of cash bail are reorganizing in that state and marshaling anti-cash bail armadas across the country. The message in all of this is any bondsman – in Jefferson County, Arapahoe County, De...


Updated on September 22nd 2023
Government official in men's dress shirt and tie pointing angrily while shouting through bullhorn

On November 3rd, voters in Los Angeles County joined an overwhelming majority of all California voters in striking down the implementation of Prop. 25, which would have eliminated cash bail bonds in the state. The vote in LA County was as lopsided as it was in the rest of the state, with nearly 55% of county voters choosing to retain cash bail and roughly 45% wanting to abolish it. On the same day, those v...


Updated on September 22nd 2023

On November 3rd, 2020, George Gascon was elected District Attorney for Los Angeles County. During the campaign leading up to the vote, Gascon stated one of his goals as District Attorney would be to "implement programs to end mass incarceration by working to end money bail”. That sounds very noble and all, but there’s only one problem: the District Attorney is not elected to make or change laws, but to pro...


Colorado Felony Crimes

Wooden Gavel Against Black Background

The debate about ending the U.S. cash bail system has been going on for years and will rage for the foreseeable future. If you’re a bondsman in Colorado, we are sure you follow what is happening with cash bail legislation in other states (New York, California, New Jersey), but we would like to take a step back for any potential new clients and review information that could be helpful if someone runs afoul of the law and needs our assistance.



White iPhone sitting beside laptop on wooden desk

One of the questions we get from family, friends, and complete strangers is "When should I call a bondsman." You might think reflexively, "Whenever you need to get out of jail!" But it is not that simple. When someone has been arrested, emotions run high and it is difficult to make the right choice. Everyone, of course, has the right to an attorney and to make a phone call from jail, but who do you call and why?

When to Call a Bondsman?



The Battle Lines Have Been Drawn

Hands Pulling Rope from Opposite Sides in Game of Tug-of-War

You can change the judicial system, reform police departments, work to abolish the cash bail system, endanger the lifeblood for thousands of people employed in the bail bonds industry, but one thing remains constant – people commit crimes. Even those who’ve been given second chances (Tiffany Harris, anyone?) sometimes return to a life on the other side of the law.

Does the current cash bail system – the norm in most states across America – ne...


Updated on September 22nd 2023

Scale weighing globe and heavier cash pile

The reason that U.S. jails are overcrowded is well-documented and controversial. Some point to a lack of new facilities, surges in crime, bureaucratic red tape, unfair criminal penalties, the burden of excessive bail on the poor, and so forth. All of this has led to wholesale revisions in America’s cash bail system, causing rifts between those who support eliminating it completely, and those who support a mo...


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Recent Articles

Tuesday, October 22, 2024 Mike Tayler
Anytime you bail out a friend or loved one you’re taking a chance. If the accused heads for the hills after being released and is never heard from again you are going to lose and lose big. If you paid cash instead of using a bondsman that cash will be forfeited. If you posted a property bond the court may foreclose on your house and sell it to get the bail amount, and if you enlisted the help of a bail bonds agent they are going to come knockin...
Saturday, November 19, 2022
When a person has been arrested there’s a lot going through their mind and it can sometimes be difficult to take a step back, take a breath and make sound decisions. One mistake a lot of people who have been arrested in Denver County, Golden, and elsewhere in Colorado make is deciding to act as their own bail bond agent by paying their own bail. Certainly, if they have the means it’s entirely legal for them to do so, but just because you can...
Tuesday, October 22, 2024
Although those in favor of eliminating the centuries-old bail bonds system suffered a much deserved setback last year in the Colorado state senate, that hasn’t stopped them from trying to saddle taxpayers with their backward, short-sighted ideas. In fact, as you read this lobbyists are working the corridors of power in Denver trying to get legislators behind new efforts to eliminate cash bail. In its stead they propose using a deeply flawed compu...

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Tayler Made Bail Bonding is available 24 hours a day and 7 days a week.

(303) 623-0399
3595 South Teller Street
Suite 300A
Lakewood, CO 80235