What Not To Do When Out On Bail

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Unless you have committed a serious offense getting released on bond Denver County, Golden or elsewhere in Colorado is a pretty straightforward process. Shortly after arriving at the jail you will be told how much your bail is. Once you know the amount you contact a bail bond agent from Tayler Made Bail Bonding with the particulars and an hour or two later you’re on your way home. But just because you’ve been released while awaiting your day in court it doesn’t mean you’re free to do as you wish.

Top Ten Mistakes to Avoid While Out on Bail

Working with a bail bond company and posting bail is usually a simple process. But being released on bail is not the end of anything. The charges, after all, have not gone anywhere, meaning you are now entangled in the justice system and will be expected to behave yourself and adhere to any conditions attached to your release.

Unfortunately, many people mistakenly assume that the minute they are released on bail they are free to do whatever they want as long as they show up for their court appearance. As a result they wind up making one or more of the following mistakes:

Getting arrested for another offense

This is one of the fastest ways to have your bail revoked. If you are re-arrested while out on bail chances are good that your original bail will be revoked and you will be compelled to remain in jail until your court date arrives. In some cases a person may be granted a bail hearing to determine if the state is willing to take another chance on them. But don’t hold your breath waiting for that.


It’s hard to fathom why anyone would think moving while out on bail is a good idea. But it happens more often than you’d think. Why is moving when out on bail a bad idea? Because, if something comes up relative to your case and the state needs to locate you they expect to find you at the address you gave when you were arrested. If you’re not there the state will assume you’ve fled, your bail will likely be revoked and you will be considered a fugitive.

Going on vacation

Oftentimes people who’ve been released on bail have already made vacation plans and are unwilling to abandon them. Maybe they’ll lose a lot of money by canceling plane or hotel reservations. Or maybe they just don’t see the harm. After all, they have every intention of returning and making their court date. Doesn’t matter. If it is learned that you left the state while out on bail that bail will likely be revoked.

Violating curfew

It’s not unusual for people to be released on bail on the condition that they return home by a certain time every night and remain in their home until a certain time the next day. For whatever reason a lot of folks have trouble adhering to this condition. They stay out until the wee hours, someone reports them and they wind up back in jail.

Contacting witnesses or alleged victims

For crimes that involve other people it is common for the court to attach a condition to bail that the accused stay away from the victim and/or any witnesses. Such conditions also include prohibiting the accused from sending text messages or emails or making phone calls. Should you ignore this condition of your release you can be sure someone will drop a dime on you and you will be returned to jail to await your day in court behind bars.

Getting drunk or high

Sometimes after the bonding company has arranged a person’s release they’ll head straight for a bar to tip back a few before last call. Maybe they’ll share a couple of joints with their friends while they’re at it. Big mistake. People charged with alcohol or drug-related offenses often have to undergo random drug tests while out on bail. And if a test should turn up a bail violation they’ll wind up back in jail.

Using firearms

Depending on the nature of your alleged defense the state may order you to turn over any firearms or to refrain from using your own or other people’s guns. But even if you are not accused of a firearms violation or committing a crime using a firearm it is still strongly suggested that you steer clear of guns while on bail.

Running afoul of the person that cosigned their bail bond

There is no law compelling friends and loved ones to come to your aid if you need them to cosign your bail bond, or put up collateral or cash. Some people forget that and wind up treating their patrons poorly after being released. This, in turn, sometimes leads to the cosigner to remove their name from the bond which means the person on bail is returned to jail.

Failing to keep the bail bond agent in the loop

The bondsman took a calculated risk that you would adhere to the conditions of your release when they agreed to post a bond. They are counting on you to not violate the terms of your release and to keep them in the loop if anything happens that might jeopardize your status. Some people, however, seem to lose sight of this and do not inform their bondsman if they have a run-in with the law or something else happens that might negatively impact the bondsman.

Missing the court date

Last but not least is the granddaddy of all bail-related screw-ups: missing the court date. When the court agrees to grant you (or anyone) bail they do so on the understanding that you will show up in court on the date indicated to face the charges against you. By failing to do so you forfeit your bail and are considered a fugitive from justice. Once that happens it becomes likely you will eventually get up close and personal with fugitive recovery agents - better known as bounty hunters - whether you like it or not. Chances are you won’t like it. Not one bit.

The High Cost of Bail Mistakes

Bail comes with certain conditions attached. Sometimes those conditions are fairly simple - don’t get re-arrested, don’t get drunk - but other times the conditions of release can be much more significant. A person may be compelled to wear a tracking device, to stay a minimum distance away from certain people, to check in with the court X times per week, to submit to regular drug tests or to submit proof that they are going to work every day.

Whatever the conditions applied to their bail, however, it is imperative that those conditions be respected. Failing to do so can, and often does, lead to bail being revoked and the person being returned to jail to await their day in court. Another thing to keep in mind is that having your bail revoked not only impacts you but can have significant financial ramifications for the person who put up cash or collateral to help secure your release.

For Affordable Bail Bonds in Jefferson County or Denver Contact Tayler Made Bail Bonding

If you or a loved one has been arrested get in touch with the experienced team at Tayler Made Bail Bonding. We’re fast, reliable and affordable and will have you or your loved one back at home as quickly as possible. That number to call 24/7 is (303) 623-0399.

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Tayler Made Bail Bonding is available 24 hours a day and 7 days a week.

(303) 623-0399
3595 South Teller Street
Suite 300A
Lakewood, CO 80235